Saturday, December 1, 2012

Automatic Backlink Software: How Does Social Media Link Building Work?

Increasingly more website owners and Internet marketers are using social media to get quality backlinks. There has been a lot of debate regarding traditional link building methods versus social media. The rules of SEO have changed a lot over the past few months as Google emphasizes organic link building. Social media can play a key role in your marketing campaign as a way to engage your readers and boost link popularity.

Social networking sites are great platforms for attracting relevant backlinks with minimum investment. The backlinks obtained from social media are highly valuable and completely organic. Google has recently admitted that they use signals from social media sites when ranking a website. Building a strong presence on these websites will result in more traffic and backlinks. This strategy also allows you to build relationships with industry players and authorities.

When you use social media for building links, you focus on the individual behind the web pages you want to get links from. In traditional link building, you focus on anchor texts in your links from specific sites. The main difference between these two strategies is the focus. Focusing on the person behind the page is much more efficient than trying to obtain links from a specific website or page.

If you want to take full advantage of social media, you first need to identify your target audience. There are three main categories of users that you should focus on: natural sharers, industry players, and online communities that can give you access to your target demographics. Find the key influencers in your industry and try to connect with them on social networking sites and forums. Keep an eye on your competitors. You can also use a backlink generator to get the most out of your link building campaign.

Focus on offering quality content to your target audience. Write compelling articles that people want to see and share. Share other people's posts as well. These strategies will help you build an audience that is interested in what you have to offer. If you are genuine and have good content, you will get organic backlinks to your site.

Stay active and interact with your prospects. Keeping in the conversation with fans and followers on social networking sites helps you keep a high profile in front of industry influencers and gain exposure for your site. Make your content easy to share and give people a reason to visit your website and link back to your posts.

Creating Quality Links to Your Website   Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link?   Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   Avoid NoFollow and Keep Your Links!   

Hiring a Link Builder

Have you questioned about hiring a link building team for a business? It can be the single most important step in a search engine optimization (SEO) campaign. This can also be the most time-consuming duty within a campaign.

Here are some general tips when hiring a link builder:

Researching Link Builders

When hiring an expert or company, always consider hiring the best one can afford. You get what you pay for can really come into play here. Do the research on the person you are hiring. Do they have references? Can they show some of their current or past work?

By doing some research, this can reveal the general attitude of their past clients. Even shed some light on their current reputation. Within the research, this will show if they belong or participate to any professional organizations as well. Ask the link builder if they have any user names they go by in the industry or what forums they contribute to on a regular basis.

Understanding the Process & Method

It is okay to ask questions. Understanding their methods will help make the decision if this link builder is right for the company. Ask what their process is, or a laid out campaign strategy.


There are different types of link builders-white hate, gray hat and black hat. This is why it is important to ask about strategies because some methods may not be ethical to the search engines. Ask the link builder if they use many directories. If so, ask what type of directories the business will be submitted to.

It is important to have your website links in "good neighborhoods." An example would be an exclusive directory such as In addition, these directories should be locations that will drive quality traffic to the website.

Media Relations

Media relations are an effective way to generate links. It may not be easy, but if your link builder understands the media environment, they may be able to help the business. Some may have a difficult time considering public relations as part of link building; however, it can be very closely related. Find a vendor that is familiar with the media, particularly one in a similar industry of the business.

Analyzing Reports

Have some agreement with the expert on viewing the link building reports. The report should include where the links were places along with any keywords that were used.

These are just a few tips and questions to ask when hiring a professional for link building services. Make sure to do the research on the company or person and follow their reports. The reports can show if the links are placed in locations that will remain and not considered a nuisance on the website. These are important factors and it can help maintain the integrity of the company.

Creating Quality Links to Your Website   Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link?   Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   

Link Building and Link Popularity

In the era of the internet, a lot of websites have been put up for different purposes. Due to the great number of sites available in the web, it is quite impossible for a lot of websites to be visited by web users. The main competition in the world of internet is visibility in the search engine result pages, meaning your site should be in the first page. When your site is not there, you've got a big problem. You need to act fast on it since the internet landscape changes almost every minute. In order to solve your problem, you must get the service called search engine optimization or SEO.

SEO is a process that helps you improve the visibility of your site in search engine sites such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. One of the methods used in this process is link building. This is a practice where links are obtained to your site from external websites so as to improve your direct referrals along with search engine ranking. Direct referrals pertain to the people clicking on the links.

For you to make use of this SEO method, you need to get hold of a link building services provider. Getting their services would help you increase the number of referral visitors to your site. They do that by making the people follow the links to your site. When you are looking to outsource for your link building services, you must be sure that the links provided are very relevant to your site as well as provide quality results. In order to be sure that the links are relevant and result-oriented, there are a number of characteristics that you should know about them.

One characteristic of the links is that it is do-follow and indexed by search engine sites. To help you confirm that the links from link building service providers has that characteristic, there are a number of tools that you can use. When the links are do-follow, you are assured that your search engine result ranking is improved. Multiple submission of one article to different sites would not lead to multiple indexes since search engines are able to notice any kind of article repetition.

Another characteristic of the links is that it should not be framed or scripted. It means that the link is not enclosed in a frame and is not Java scripted. When the link is framed and scripted, it would not be indexed by search engines. There are providers of link building service that would place the links in Flash banners or make it as images but this does not add any kind of value to your website. There are also those who would place the links in your website address but those are either broken or directed to another website. These things should be avoided to get your link building going.

Creating Quality Links to Your Website   Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link?   Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   Avoid NoFollow and Keep Your Links!   Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   

Why Linkbuilding Is Important for Every Website

If you own a website, you want to be able to have traffic go to your site. Unless, of course, you only make the site for your own personal enjoyment. Most people who create websites, however, do so to share them with others. If you build a website and neglect to build links to it, you are limiting the potential of growth of your website, even if you do reasonably well. Every website should have links built for it as link building is a way to improve off-page SEO and increase traffic.

If you have a website, you need to be able to build links in order to increase your traffic and get linkjuice from other sites. Linkjuice is a term that is used in the SEO industry to describe the benefits that are received from getting a link from a site that has a higher pagerank than the one it is linking to. When a site provides a oneway, do follow link, it passes linkjuice to the site which it links to. Linkbuilding is a task that requires a lot of tedious effort. And, if you are not really sure of the correct way to build links to your site, you might not be doing yourself any favors. Quantity of links is not what is important. The most important thing should be the quality of the links which are built.

Linkbuilding is used to gain traffic to a site as well as pass on a little bit of help with page rank. When a site provides a oneway link, it is in essence giving a vote for the content of the site it links to. A site that is high on authority is a very valuable source to receive a link from. Not all oneway links are created equal so it is best to let a linkbuilding service handle this part of an SEO campaign.

Building links is a great way to help your site become seen as an authority site. If you are new to owning a website, you definitely need some oneway link building to make your site improve in ranking. Different ways of building links include writing articles and submitting them to directories with a link back to your site, social bookmarks which include a link back to your site, and even guest blogging with a link back to your site.

Those who are experts at link building know how important it is to get relevant backlinks. Relevant backlinks are those which are similar to the site they are linking to. For example, if you have a site about tennis, a link from a site selling tennis balls and rackets would be considered a relevant backlink. If you have that same site, one about tennis, and you get a link from a site about blogging, that is not relevant. Relevant backlinks are just more desirable than other types of backlinks and those who are experts at building links are more likely to be able to find some links relevant to the content of the site they are building links for.

Most website owners have neither the time nor the inclination to spend hours gaining links for their sites. In this case, they can employ a link building service. A link building service can be used to build links to a website that will help with off-page optimization, one of the components of every good SEO campaign.

Some website owners who have employed the services of a link building company have found that their sites begin to see more traffic than ever before. If you think about it, you can see that it really makes a lot of sense. Building links is a way to get information about a website in front of a lot of different eyes and it only makes sense that if this happens, more traffic will come to the site. It is worth the effort to build links to a site.

Creating Quality Links to Your Website   Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link?   Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   Avoid NoFollow and Keep Your Links!   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   

Web Traffic Estimates And How To Bring In More Visitors For Free

If you are not signed up with Google Analytics, then you cannot possibly be taking the web traffic, and the future of, your business seriously. This service tells you everything that you need to know concerning who is visiting, how long they are staying, and what pages they value the most. From there, you can come to a clear estimation of how many web hits you are getting per day, and what you can do to improve those statistics over the long term. Bringing in visitors is not the only part that you need to focus on, however. Once they are there, you need to learn how to keep them. Both of these needs tie in together in a manner that you are about to see.

First of all, where do you find new people to visit your site? You can start with social networking sites. The algorithms developed by sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Google-Plus will give you the opportunity to learn who your visitors are, or at least who they should be. By marketing to people, who are in your niche, you stand a better chance of getting more eyeballs more often. Aside from this method, you should also be utilizing proper Google site mapping and search engine optimization. In essence, you must make it easy for as many people to find you as possible. From there, you are able to develop the fastest, most hands free and surefire way to get more and more traffic: word of mouth.

Word of mouth marketing is still the most effective form of marketing. Instead of casting a net and trying to land 10,000 new visitors in one fell swoop, you need to be more concerned about developing deeper relationships with the people, who are already at your website. How do you do that? By giving them quality content, answering questions they leave, and responding to comments. Building a sense of community with the people, who are already there is important because 250 devoted followers can bring you thousands upon thousands of new visitors, and the only thing that it costs you is time.

Well, time and sincerity. You have to be genuine with the people that are visiting your site. If you are disingenuous, they will see through it, and not only will you not get new traffic, you will lose what you already have. Valuing the people, who have found you and continue to come back to you by giving them a sense of community and a deeper sense of involvement is how you market effectively. Once you roll that snowball to the top of the hill, it will take off on its own, and you won't feel so compelled to be "on" all the time.

Creating Quality Links to Your Website   Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link?   Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   Avoid NoFollow and Keep Your Links!   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   

Backlinking Today

Backlinking today has played an important role in the navigation of websites even before the popularity of search engines. Today, back-links still play an important role in generating traffic and popularity for a website but on a much larger scale than before.

The more quality backlinks possessed by a website, the more popularity and importance it achieves. A website's page rank is determined by Google through the number of quality back-links it has. True enough, backlinking plays a very significant role in determining a website's success when it comes to search engine optimization.

Quality backlinking is emphasized though, because your website can have lots of backlinks, but if they are in no way related to the site niche, then it will not achieve its purpose. There are many ways to increase the back-links that will point to your website.

A website that has achieved a certain level of credibility will become so popular that the owner no longer even has to request for backlinks from other sites. Related sites will actually link back to the website that has very important information related to their niche.

Posting breaking news on a website is one way of backlinking. Celebrity and news websites that post extremely fresh and important information usually use this to attract traffic and back links to their site.

The quality of a backlink is determined by many factors, including the authority of the website, the importance of the topics and the relevancy of the posts. Consider backlinking as votes of confidence for the website and its contents.

One important aspect when creating backlinks is the anchor text. This is a description of or a label which is written in hyperlink, or which, when clicked leads you to the site where the actual information can be found. The anchor text is examined by the search engine crawlers to determine its relevancy to the website.

If you want a successful search engine optimization campaign using backlinking, then make sure you place only quality backlinks on your web pages. Keywords are also important factors that will help determine the quality of your backlinks. The search engines will consider the links more relevant if they point to, of if they are coming from sites with related content.

Some internet marketers request other website administrators for back-links. This is normally done but bloggers and other website owners. But if you go for this method, then make sure the sites are relevant to your niche. The best backlinks are those that are built over time, and are very relevant.

Creating Quality Links to Your Website   Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link?   Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   

Backlink Building: Best Link Building Tools for SEO Experts

Building relevant links requires time and effort. A quality link building tool can help with your SEO efforts and improve your rankings in search engines. Tracking links to your web pages is a key part of any SEO strategy. Depending on your budget, you can use free or paid tools for backlink building. These tools will help you accomplish tasks much faster and easily.

Open Site Explorer (OSE)

Open Site Explorer uses factors like domain authority and page authority to evaluate the number of inbound links pointing to your website. This tool can help you determine who is linking to your site and who is linking to your competitors. If you want to analyze one site at a time, you can use the following metrics:

• Facebook shares • Facebook likes • Linking root domains • Tweets • Anchor text • Linking domains

Majestic SEO

This tool allows users to track link information for any website. After you sign up, you will be able to access the number of pages, sub domains, images, referring domains, and backlinks. With Majestic SEO, you can identify your site's top pages, analyze your competitors, and compare up to five domains.

Link Diagnosis

This free tool uses Yahoo! to find links that point to a site. It is ideal for running quick analysis of websites. This software is completely free and there is no limit on the number of backlinks it will show. Their backlink summary includes anchor text, page age, and outbound links.


Ontolo features a comprehensive suite of tools to help you manage multiple link building campaigns and data. You can use these tools to search link prospects, find relevant competitor links, and look for page topics and page types that mention your competitors. Users can also monitor and visualize the backlink score of their competitors.

Wordtracker Link Builder

The tool developed by Wordtracker can help you find thousands of quality link prospects in seconds and analyze your competitor's linking strategies. With this program, you can easily build a linking campaign that exponentially grows your online presence. Users can build and manage unlimited campaigns, see who's linking to their competitors' pages, and use this data to increase traffic, conversions, and profits.

BuzzStream Link Building

The innovative tools from BuzzStream are perfect for managing link prospects and monitoring backlinks. This software automatically collects metrics like site age and unique visitors, searches for contact information on "About" pages, and identifies links that are new, changed or removed. Some of its main features include automated notifications, scheduled link checks, and link reporting.

Creating Quality Links to Your Website   Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link?   Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   

How To Choose A Not Terrible SEO Link Building Tool

Building SEO links by hand is still one of the most helpful things you can do for ranking your website. Suss out where your prospective market is hanging out. Attract them back to your site with top quality information and other memes, images, videos and hooks. You should also leave an open loop that keeps them craving more (we teach these sorts of link baiting methods in our certification events).

Everyone is selling backlinking tools and most nearly everyone uses them or is spending money looking for the best one!

And in these days of Google Pandas and Penguins the 1 Million Dollar question is: "How do you survive the potential SEO zebras and skunks in the future?"

How should you create inbound links but also avoid future Google SEO penalties?

The best solution is to make use of a link building tool that has an extremely normal link building pattern and does not leave a footprint.

We do not settle for "second best" when it comes to link building tools, nor should you.

Here is What We Look Before Buying a Back linking Tool:

The marketing copy and sales page must not be too sleazy on a backlinking tool. You know the one. Huge promises, empty features. If it's sleazy on the outside, chances are it will be sleazy on the inside. This is true for any SEO tool you buy. But this is especially true for link building tools because links are not something you can have removed easily once you make a bad link building decision. If you get penalized by Google the only way to dig yourself out is with purchasing or building quality links or by deleting the pages that have been flagged.

The Quality of the Link is Extremely Important:

Don't tolerate spammy 3rd party link building sites. Look for good sites. Some lesser quality is to be expected with most link building packages. However I'd rather pay a little more per link and have quality.

The Primary Things To Watch For:

1. I am not so interested in a network of blogs. Google has hit those hard recently. I have no clue the quality of the link if they don't tell me. Is it themed? Is there page rank? Is the content descent?

2. I want links from proven SEO platforms that drive traffic. They should also drive PR or Page Rank. Some of these back links will be from sites that do not follow or "no-follow" their links. This is just fine because it looks more natural.

Here is my preferred types of 3rd party platforms in descending order:

squidoo, storify,

wiki submissions and article directories

.edu links - A handful of these is enough unless you have a very educationally rich topic or a topic that would appeal strongly to students (like concert ticket sales)

web directories, business directories -

articles on Web 2.0 blogs like Digg and Stumbled Upon are excellent when highly trafficked.

public blogs like,

twitter and other micro blogs

social bookmarks and status updates are marginal, as are forums and blog comments - better than a hit in the head, but you have to have a ton to make any impact on your Page Rank.

content aggregator and RSS aggregator sites. These are useful and should be an automated part of your empire.

3. Being able to schedule the links or throttle the speed of your link building is important. New web sites need to build their page rank and link building process more slowly. This is true especially if the website has never had a link campaign before. Don't go from 0 links to 3000 links overnight. This looks very unnatural and suspicious to Google. Don't do it. Sort of funny that people actually PAY to get themself de-indexed, not even knowing what they are doing.

4. I want you to get an SEO link report, once the URL to your site has been created for two reasons:

You will want to check on the quality of the link. What does the content look like? Are there grammar errors? Do they stay true to the theme of site?

You will want to pipe the URLs into the second-level One-Feed. We train folks on how to do this.

How I Proceed with Testing a New Back Link Service:

Backlink testing can be extremely hard. It is best to start with a fresh domain- unpolluted by previous link building efforts. When testing the power of an inbound link campaign, you need a clear head and a fresh domain.

For example, it is best to have a minimum of six domains all with a similar PR. These domains should have roughly the same activity and same amount of traffic. It is helpful if they are ina similar niche. This will help you create a testing and ranking "baseline". Then on 3 of the 6 sites you should test the unknown non-sleazy backlinking tool.

Give your test at least three months and watch the traffic, conversions, rankings. Also keep an eye on the pagerank. Three months should be long enough for Google to have an algorithm update as well as a couple of the regular monthly evaluations.

Also keep an eye on Google webmaster tools for any signs of unnatural links. They may leave you signals and warnings about bad link building in your Webmasters notes. If you have a new domain get a message in Google webmaster tools, you still can't be absolutely certain that the offending issue is the new inbound links you have recently added, but it is a good signal to check.

It is a good idea to look at analytics and webmaster tools for our entire empire once per week.

If you wish to see the list of the platforms and back linking tools that have made the cut for us you can visit our SEO training area.

Creating Quality Links to Your Website   Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link?   Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   Avoid NoFollow and Keep Your Links!   

Adding Confidence to A Link Building Firm

A skilled link building firm provider makes the process relaxed and highly helpful. A firm in the domain is said to be the best if it sells out non-reciprocal links in reasonable price. The business also ensures that these links are snatched from genuine websites and place keyword anchor text of your selection with the links. You consider it or not but link popularity is one among the most serious criterion of the search engine optimization. Link building plays a key responsibility in advanced search engine rankings and placements. If you are exploring a cheap link firm for your business activities, you must go through the internet to get best quotes and reasonable services indeed.

professionals in this vertical ensure that the portrayal of the site is pertinent to the theme of the website. Such steps assist a website to nurture steadily and permanently. Experts in the search engine optimization think that link exchange is an all-inclusive method that helps experts to endorse a website in the search engine rankings on the internet. These services should be done on constant basis by a company to keep the status constant in the search engines. Since internet marketing is a budding phenomena nowadays, service providers have started to offer principled and value based one way link building services to the online business owners.

in the terms of link experts, you must know that this is a set of complete services that assist business websites to produce natural and organic passage from search engines like google, yahoo and bing. Due to the array of business benefits that this mode offers to the online business owners, a link building firm dedicatedly offers value added link exchange services to its global clients. These natural link exchange services are accessible after analyzing a website's meta tags and keyword relevancy collectively.

cheap link firms therefore tender value added reciprocal and non-reciprocal link to online business owners to enhance search engine rankings and produce quality traffic on websites. A liable service provider doesn't use any unscrupulous linking program to perk up the link popularity of the business website. A firm offers services in the strict harmony with the trade standards. They take benefit of their in-house and proficient seo team to offer several best of the breed industry benefits to the online business entities. You can get some of the best services in the domain by exploring best service providers who deliver their services with confidence.

Creating Quality Links to Your Website   Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link?   Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   Avoid NoFollow and Keep Your Links!   

Link Building That Benefits Everyone

It is commonly known that effective use of links for business is one of the best tools when it comes to gaining online exposure and for driving increased website traffic to you. The stronger your links, the higher your rankings.

There are several different things that will help you and your business to achieve high rankings on the search engines.

Anchor text linking Page-linking quality Site-linking quality The relevance of the linking site

When it comes to searching, the question still remains as to why so many people are still striving to engage links that will bring their business greater success and increased revenue. What are people doing (or not doing) that is causing their link-building strategies to fail?

There are a variety of reasons for the failure, however, the main reasons are:

The quality of the links that were generated Successful links were not obtained

The cause of failure for many link-building campaigns is commonly in the strategy and how it has been planned from the start. Many business owners believe that the only way that they will see their link-building strategy succeed is by hiring a company that specializes in search engine optimization (SEO). The SEO firm will provide the business owner with a specific number of links per month. Although the concept makes good, logical sense, the end result often falls short of expectations. It is very important to keep in mind the fact that the number of links is not the only important element. It is also very important to ensure that your links are of high quality.

Ensuring that link building benefits everyone at once

It is critical to the success of the link-building campaign that you (as the business owner) benefit from your links. On the other hand, it is also critical to the success of your business that the other person also benefit just as much. There are many ways to make sure that this happens. It is under your control more than you might realize.

Guest blogging: Guest blogging generates increased website traffic and high-quality, valuable content that is associated with your web presence. Guest blogging is a very effective tool when it comes to link-buildings strategies because the content that you provide is interesting, versatile, and compelling, even more than it would be if you were the only content writer whose content you were sharing.

Free online tools: Making good use of free tools is sensible, intelligent, and makes good business sense. There are many tools available online that require minimal effort for maximum benefit. It is, of course, extremely important for you to do your homework before you decide upon which tools you feel will work best for your business. Once you have done that, you should choose a combination of tools that work best for you and for the person on the other end of your communication line.

The two approaches mentioned above can effectively be used in tandem. In fact, it is advisable to use them together for the best outcome.

Your continued approach

Once you have full confidence in the fact that your link-building strategy will work effectively for you and your business, the next thing that you need to do is to execute your strategy properly. It is critical that you are committed to only providing the highest-quality links and that the information that you are sharing with other people are valuable to them and it is information that can help them to solve their problems.


If you are going to successfully build effective links, you will do so with the deep understanding of precisely which types of links are needed. There must be a relevance and appropriateness between the links and what you and your business represent. You must always bear in mind that your links are there to serve one purpose and one purpose only. They are there to help other people to get what they want and need. If you can help other people and motivate them in some profound way, you and your business will be successful.

We are pleased to provide you with the insightful comments contained herein. For a free assessment of your online presence, let's have coffee.

Creating Quality Links to Your Website   Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link?   Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   

Bad Links You're Not Thinking Of

The term "bad links" can apply to a number of different types of links but they can all cause damage to your site in one way or another without your even realizing it most times. Let's take a look at some types of bad links you might not be thinking of which you would benefit from by getting rid of if possible.

Dead Links

Dead links are bad links for a number of reasons. They make your site look sloppy and untended. They will annoy your readers. Spiders can't crawl them. Google even says in their webmaster guidelines (which according to them by following them will give you the best chances of ranking) that you should check for broken or dead links. You can use a free plugin like Broken Link Checker which will routinely check every backlink on your site to make sure that they are all functioning and intact. If when testing a link it cannot access the linked page it will notify you so that you can test it and delete it or look into it accordingly.

Link Profile

You might perform an entire audit of the links coming into your site. Use your Google webmaster tools or again a service like Open Site Explorer or Ahrefs to look at your links. You can also learn things like what anchor text you have pointing to your site so that you can gauge the amount of over optimization you're dealing with.

You may have created links from particular sites and sources to your site in the past which seemed like good ideas at the time before the most recent Google updates were made but now you know that you're better off without them (links from Build My Rank or similar institutions come to mind).

Bad Incoming Links You Didn't Create

If someone ripped off one of your articles, possibly copied it word for word and published it on their spammy scammy site, Google might connect you with the spammy site because you're sharing the same content. It would especially create a problem if you included a link to somewhere else on your site.

While Ezine and similar article directories are very handy and powerful for getting valuable links to your site through article syndication, you have to take the good with the bad as a spammy site can just as easily grab your content and publish it on their site. It could be on a site which has nothing to do with your niche, even, just a massive spammy content aggregation site which took your article and kept your resource box intact so that you now have a link to your site from a site which Google doesn't look upon favorably and it's all through no fault of your own.

You might think about using CopyScape to see who has been republishing your content (with or without your permission, depending on where you've published it yourself). If a spammy site won't take down your content after you try contacting them, you can always contact Google and tell them that you're trying to get it removed and they can make a note to distance you from that site. Just a handful of bad links from the worst possible sources can bring you down, so if you come across something then whatever you can do will help.

You can also use CopyScape to see who has been publishing your content WITHOUT your resource box as sometimes there will be a site which you would like to have a link from but they take your content without giving you the link.

Creating Quality Links to Your Website   Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link?   Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   

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